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Why We Cloth Diaper

I admit, the thought of using cloth diapers never even crossed my mind until I asked a friend from college what brand of diapers she was using. She sheepishly said she wasn’t using disposable diapers. A light bulb went off and my mind started racing. Of course cloth diapers!! It’s cheaper, and better for the environment.

Fast forward a few years to when I got pregnant with my first child. I didn’t even consider any other alternative other than cloth diapers. I was convinced that they had to have evolved to be easier to use than they were some 20+ years ago when I was a baby. As I started scouring the web for cloth diapers, I realized they also looked so cute and soft and squishy comfy as well. The fact that they looked good sealed the deal for me.

Many cloth diaper enthusiasts insist that modern cloth diapers are just as easy to use as disposables. But after cloth-diapering four kids, I disagree. Cloth diapers do take a little extra effort. A little extra work. But it isn't bad effort, it isn't terrible work. The process becomes routine, and even enjoyable. Seriously.

"Experts" will argue over whether or not disposable diapers do scary things like infertility. They'll argue that the water and electricity you use to wash cloth diapers evens out the environmental impact. They'll disagree on what is fact and what is myth. But all that contention and confusion aside, I choose cloth because I like it.

Cloth diapering takes a little more effort. A little more dedication. A little more thought. Depending on the diapering system you choose, it can also take a little more time to change your baby's diaper. But I enjoy those moments.

Washing diapers becomes routine, but in a different way than microwaving a frozen dinner can. It slows you down a tiny bit. And you're never out. You never have to run to the store to pick up a pack of diapers. I personally feel like cloth diapers are better for the earth, better for my baby's skin, more comfortable for baby to wear, beautiful to look at, fun to purchase, and affordable to use.

That’s why we choose cloth.